Transformation Church & Ministries
Transformation Church & Ministries
We sincerely appreciate your choice to visit TCM's Website.
We're dedicated to hearing God’s voice for instructions to shepherd His flock.
Please take your time, look around, and learn about TCM and we hope you worship with us soon.
- Pastor Eric & Lady Kisha
A Christ-Centered church, located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The fellowship has grown from a God given vision to a vibrant group of solid Bible-believers spiritually equipped with God's Word and Love to help others in our communities and across the world.
Vision: To advance God’s kingdom as a holy people, by obeying the scriptures and voice of God resulting in the Lord saying well done.
Mission: To develop disciples of Jesus Christ through evangelism and sound bible teaching which manifests the holy transforming power of God for healing & deliverance.
Family – discipling men, women and children respectively which in turn builds a strong church.
Freedom – administering total healing & deliverance from all bondages resulting from ungodly past or present practices.
Discipleship – investing time with the converted to ensure Christ like discipline is developed to remain reconciled to God.
Relationships – fostering and maintaining relationships that align with God’s purpose.
Training – developing Christ like character through teaching, godly counsel, mentorship and ministry to the total person.
TCM Statement of Faith (pdf)
DownloadSunday Worship Service 11AM
Children's Church 11:30AM
Wednesday Prayer 6PM
Wednesday Service 7PM
Food Pantry TBD
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 12PM to 1PM
Wednesday 12PM to 1PM
Thursday 12PM to 1PM
Friday 12PM to 3PM
Saturday Closed
Copyright © 2025 Transformation Church & Ministries - All Rights Reserved.
Romans 12:1-2 Church = Change